Many ecologists, farmers and members of the public are worried that non-native plants and animals are invading the U.S. and preventing native species from thriving. Much money and time is spent trying to rid the land of these aliens – often to no avail. But are these species present because they’re the only ones that can thrive in an area? Are they multiplying because of something bad we’re injecting into their environment? Are these aliens actually helping nature create a diverse and robust environment? And are those so-called native species of plants and animals really native? Our guests have some surprising answers to those questions. Hosted by Gary Price.
Guest Information:
- Fred Pearce, science journalist, researcher, and author of The New Wild: Why invasive species will be nature’s salvation.
- Tao Orion, permaculture educator, author of Beyond the War on Invasive Species: A permaculture approach to ecosystem restoration.
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