25,000 Pieces Of Floating Space Junk: Decluttering Earth’s Orbit
We discuss the growing issue of human-created space debris and what more needs to be done to curb this problem before it reaches catastrophic levels.
We discuss the growing issue of human-created space debris and what more needs to be done to curb this problem before it reaches catastrophic levels.
Experts discuss the shift towards recycling solar panels and what more needs to be done to make this energy source truly sustainable.
There’s more spots to find secondhand items apart from Goodwill or a local antique store. Next time you’re in the market for something specific, go online and search if your area has a Buy Nothing group.
From weather forecasting to cellular coverage to global imaging, we heavily rely on space satellites in our day to day lives. We discuss the serious issue of human-created space debris and what’s being done to curb this problem before it reaches catastrophic levels.
The average person ends up trashing 25 percent of the food they buy from the grocery store. This can mean fresh produce, expired dairy, stale bread – the list goes on and on. This cycle of food waste across households, grocery stores and restaurants adds up, resulting in more than 81 billion pounds of fresh, edible food being thrown away each year. What’s …
How often do you buy an item from the store that’s packaged in a plastic container or wrapped in plastic? Daily decisions like these add up and are feeding into the global plastic crisis. Scientists estimate that there’s anywhere between nine to 16 million tons of plastic on the sea floor, polluting the environment, harming species and releasing harmful …
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