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We’re already a few weeks into 2025 – are you sticking to your New Year’s resolutions?
For many, the new year brings new beginnings, goals and an opportunity to reset – particularly when it comes to health. For some that includes taking a temporary break from unhealthy food or booze. A recent survey by morning consult found that about 15 percent of adults participate in “Dry January,” or a month without alcohol.
Now, recent news from the U.S. Surgeon General could spark interest in saying no to alcoholic beverages for good… or at least for more than 30 days. The U.S. Surgeon General recently released a report linking alcohol consumption to seven different types of cancer. He also recommended that alcoholic beverages be labeled with a warning, much like cigarettes.
According to the report, alcohol is a well-established and preventable cause of cancer responsible for about 100,000 cases of cancer and 20,000 cancer deaths annually in the united states. Alcohol was first labeled as a carcinogen in a 1987 report by the international agency for research on cancer. However, this declaration failed to gain traction even though follow-up research continues to support the claim.
While dry January only lasts a month, research shows that a reprieve from alcohol can also assist with weight loss, better sleep, better mental health, and cost savings. In 2023, the national survey on drug use and health found that nearly 80 percent of individuals over the age of 12 had consumed alcohol at some point in their lives. It’s clear that alcohol is deeply ingrained in American culture, but whether you’re considering cutting back or simply exploring its potential benefits, more people seem to be taking its health effects more seriously.
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