It’s back-to-school season, and while schools have put in place comprehensive anti-bullying campaigns, we seldom focus on making sure child bullies themselves get the help they need to deal with the problems that are causing them to act out in the first place. We still punish troubled kids with detentions, suspensions and from there it escalates onward. Many seem to never get the proper help and get stuck in a perpetual cycle of trouble throughout life. Many end up in poverty, incarceration or even dead. How do we change our mindset and these systemic practices in order to stop these children from falling through the cracks?
Guest Information:
- Geraldine DeRuiter, creator of the blog The Everywhereist and author, All Over the Place: Adventures in Travel, True Love and Petty Theft
- Dr. Ross Greene, clinical child psychologist and founding director of Lives in the Balance.
Links for more info:
- The Washington Post article by Geraldine DeRuiter: I thought my bully deserved an awful life. But then he had one.
Scotty’s Keep
This post is timely and a point seldom considered. Thanks for sharing.