Avoiding Conversations Around Money? Here’s How To Get Started
We speak with two financial experts about how more Americans can have productive conversations about their spending and come up with a plan to save and invest more for the future.
We speak with two financial experts about how more Americans can have productive conversations about their spending and come up with a plan to save and invest more for the future.
This week, we cover the push to change education legislation so more school curriculums incorporate a standalone financial literacy class.
Federal student loan debt has ballooned in recent years. In 2007, debt totaled $642 billion dollars. Fourteen years later, this number has risen to close to $1.7 trillion. More than 43 million Americans have student loan debt, with the average person owing around $39,000.
Today, there are close to 11 million vacant jobs in the U.S. – a record-breaking number. Why are more Americans not filling these positions? How is this affecting businesses? What will eventually happen if these jobs go unfilled? We explore these questions and more this week as we’re joined by hospitality entrepreneur, Ravindra Jayara, and senior labor …
Many women today still have little knowledge on financial planning and how to make their income work for them rather than the other way around. Executive and financial expert Jennifer Barrett joins us this week to shed some light on the importance of becoming financially autonomous and advocating for yourself in your career, relationships and beyond.
Between the internet, radio, podcasts and books, there’s a wide breadth of information out there on how to get your finances in order. But sometimes the mixed advice and confusing explanations can lead to complete inaction. This week, we speak to a personal finance expert about the starting key steps you can take to build your financial future and prepare …
Each day, 10,000 Americans will hit retirement age. With millions of people growing older every day, the need for home health aides is set to expand by 47 percent between 2016 and 2026, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. So - what are the best senior care options out there? How much does it cost per year? What's it like working in home health aide …
Retirement can be bittersweet. On one hand, it’s something you build toward your whole life, but it can also be intimidated to lose your purpose in the workplace. We talk to Helen Wilkes about how she found a new passion in her retirement, and how she’s helping others make their retirements more fulfilling.
We talk to an activist about strategies for dealing with the eldercare challenges that face us.
There has been a debate going on for decades over Social Security and it’s future. We talk to an author and researcher about his ideas on why Social Security is important, isn’t going broke, and how it can be expanded and funded with modest increases in the future.
With the baby boomers transitioning into retirement in record numbers, and their parents living longer, we’re facing an eldercare challenge that’s bigger than we’ve ever seen before in this country. Who will take care of all of the older Americans who will need medical and end-of-life assistance in the coming decades? And how will we ensure that elder …
Many of us make resolutions on New Year’s Day to lose weight, exercise more or maybe save more money. How are those going a month later? Most Americans don’t keep resolutions after a few weeks. Why is that? We’ll discuss strategies for planning and fulfilling that big change in your life.
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