An Invisible Pull: Hitting Rock Bottom
Grace joins us to share her story, the pressures of drinking today and what finally helped her break this self-destructive cycle.
Grace joins us to share her story, the pressures of drinking today and what finally helped her break this self-destructive cycle.
We talk about why this population is especially vulnerable out on the streets and why it’s so hard to find a way back once you’re in this position.
Each year, older adults make up a greater proportion of America’s homeless population and these numbers are only expected to keep rising.
We speak with Dr. Alan Townsend about this harrowing period through grief and how he evolved from writing online about science to much more personal experiences.
We highlight one nonprofit that’s filling a niche gap in healthcare for homeless men and women.
Yes, we’re talking about why people can’t seem to get enough of those fresh-baked oversized, gourmet cookies.
We highlight some of the fastest growing frauds and why thousands of people each day are falling for these persuasive narratives.
Experts explain how you can make easy substitutes and modifications that produce tasty (but still relatively healthy) desserts.
We speak with social and public health expert Kasley Killam about the societal shifts that are feeding into this epidemic and how listeners can begin feeling more connecting to their loved ones, friends, and community.
We speak with experienced health coach and personal trainer Daniella Dayoub Forrest about health misconceptions & myths and what you should know to maintain a strong body and mind as you age.
We speak with two experts about this growing crisis and why many family members who are searching for their loved ones are often too late.
We speak with child therapist Natasha Daniels to get a better understanding of this emotion and how there can be different variations of grief depending on the severity of the life event.
We speak with two experts about both sides of the argument and how the political landscape would change if stricter term limits were put in place.
We speak with two adults who’ve dealt with the loss of a spouse to get a better sense of the grieving process and what people do & don’t need to hear during this difficult this time
We speak with two financial experts about how more Americans can have productive conversations about their spending and come up with a plan to save and invest more for the future.
We talk about the importance of being involved in the death process of loved ones and learning about what burial options are available when that time comes.
We speak with psychologist Mary Lamia about how to sit with your emotions, communicate with loved ones and set realistic expectations this month.
What happens if you pass away in the Arctic, or in outer space? How do people in Thailand or India mourn their dead differently than people in the U.S.? Mortician Caitlin Doughty gives us the answers.
We speak with a psychiatrist and expert in grief and trauma about how parents, caregivers and adults in general can best have conversations with young people about loss and death.
So often we talk about the healthcare system and the patients themselves, but what about the caregivers who provide these services to the aging population? In many cases, this role falls on family members' shoulders, and for this group, it can be all too easy to quickly lose sight of personal health, wellness and relationships.
By 2030, 74 million Baby Boomers in the U.S. will be 65 or older. As people age, this means bigger burdens on the healthcare system, senior housing and care. But, what if one day, we could slow down this process of biological aging? Two researchers from Northwestern University join us this week to share some of the latest innovations in the anti-aging field.
For many decades, scientists have been trying to decode this disease with no avail. Instead, more questions keep popping up as we learn more about this complex disease and face dead ends in treatment exploration. Two experts in the field join Viewpoints this week to shed some light on modern Alzheimer’s research.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that employee turnover at nursing homes in an average year is 74 percent. With high rates of turnover and not enough new workers entering the caregiving field, the U.S. is deep in a senior care crisis that’s only set to get worse. Two senior care experts join Viewpoints to discuss why no one wants these jobs and how …
About 60 percent of Americans don’t yet have a written will in place. People spend a lifetime working hard, saving money, building assets, but often never think about what would happen in case they suddenly passed away. Viewpoints speaks with life planning expert, Abby Schneiderman, about the importance of organizing your life both on paper and online.
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